07 May 2009

"you CAN f*** yourself to death"...

actually, this was just a comment that Dan Savage made at an event when someone asked him, How many partners is too many?


great answer and one i've often thought. he brings in what the difference between straight and gay men isn't.

we are ALL pigs....

the difference is that gay men do what straight men want to do but women won't let them - have frequent sex with as many different partners as they want to just have sex.

well, that may not exactly be all true. it may be what straight men perceive women want. the straight male psyche, though they will go to all ends to deny it, thinks that it has to find a mate to reproduce himself, and anthropology and psychology show that women want a safe environment provided by their mates so that they can protect those little reproductions. straight men may have been tricked into thinking that it is the way it should be.

but..., i am of the opinion, that given the opportunity, straight men would f*** themselves to death also. remember, i said ALL men are pigs.

[i'm a man; i can say that; and i have dated some real ones. well, not pigs in the sense of four legs and a snout. (maybe i better think about that? some of them did seem to be rutting at times...)]

as Dan said in the video, how many is really up to the individual. his tale about his straight swinger friends is priceless.

in the end, the entire thing is just another obsession with sex. some people, myself included at times, have said that sex is highly overrated.

of course, some people have said that about gin, and chocolate and prime rib and music and...

i once tried to count how many partners i'd slept with. i was amazed that i could count that high, but i realized that only a couple were really worth it. sad...

01 January 2009

happy new year from Benedict...

A new statute coming into effect on January 1st will allow the Vatican to bypass Italian law.

This comes in the wake of a row at the UN, where the Vatican refused to sign up to a universal declaration of human rights regardless of gender or sexuality.

Under current laws, the Holy See must accept Italian laws automatically apart from in the case of "radical incompatibility" with canon law.

The new statute signed by Pope Benedict XVI will put an end to this system.

From the start of the new year, all Italian laws will be subject to scrutiny by Vatican authorities before being implemented in the city-state itself.

of course, he has his mouthpieces not connecting it to the UN resolution but to the myriad of Italian laws that are impossible to wade through. [how convenient...]
President of the Commission for the Revision of the Code of Vatican Law Jose Maria Serrano Ruiz said that the decision to change the legal system was due to the "instability" and "exorbitant" number of Italian laws.

see, here's what they really believe -
The Vatican's observer at the UN claimed last week that the declaration will somehow be used to force countries to recognise same-sex marriage.

"If adopted, they would create new and implacable discriminations," said Monsignor Celestino Migliore.

"For example, states which do not recognise same-sex unions as 'matrimony' will be pilloried and made an object of pressure."

so this is what we have. it is all right to discriminate against certain groups [that he chooses] but not to discriminate against others - like him. oh, by the way, the U.N. declaration makes no mention of marriage whatsoever - just advising that no one should be legally victimized because of their sexuality.

talk about obfuscation...

as i've quoted Henry II before, "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"